The summit of Haleakala on the Hawaiian island of Maui is a beautiful place to watch the sunrise. As a pilot, I have photographed this sacred place many times, but the conditions have never what I had hoped them to be. On this recent visit, however, I was finally rewarded with the beautiful light and color that only a dawn at 10,000' can produce.

While hiking out of the dunes in Death Valley, California in a massive windstorm, I happened to turn around and see this scene unfold in the fading light

It took centuries for water to carve the image of a woman with flowing hair deep in the slot canyons of Arizona

An incredible area of eroded sandstone under fiery sunrise skies. Thanks to my friend David Thompson for sharing this location and experience with me

These salt flats in desert California rarely see rain, much less a thunderstorm. I was fortunate to capture the fleeting drama

The odd rocks of the Alabama Hills of California witness a fantastic lenticular cloud light up in twilight sky

A panicked search for subject matter led Ryan, Cody and I to an amazing grove of Joshua Trees outside of Death Valley, California. Every idea and composition got thwarted until the last light of day revealed this scene

A 180 degree panorama captures beautiful sunset light spreads across these rocky cliffs in Central Oregon

The name is confusing I'm sure. But my tripod ballhead failed right when I got to this magical location in Arizona, leaving me utterly devastated. Luckily my friend Steve Turner offered a quick fix solution... the diaper he was carrying. I was grateful enough not to ask why a mature gentleman actually had a diaper on him

These fascinating monoliths in the California desert catch beautiful side light at sunrise. To get to this composition I had to shimmy out on a tiny ledge 15 feet off the ground and hold my camera out to the side, shooting totally blind

In a remote part of Oregon, these rolling painted hills look like ocean waves in the last light of sunset.

Erosion patterns in Arizona combine fascinating colosr and textures which makes for abundant opportunities to create abstract images

Arizona is home to some of the most magical sandstone formations on earth. It's fascinating to contemplate the forces that carved such masterpieces

The Painted Hills in Oregon are an otherworldly place, and I was fortunate to capture some nice light here

A tiny cavern is filled with interesting formations created by eons of erosion in the deserts of Nevada

Wild sandstone formations are abundant in Arizona creating ample opportunities to find creative compositions